Level Up Your Organization Head: the art of Executive Brand Building 

An organization’s brand is multifaceted. There are visual elements and written components, the latter of which stretches from the core mission to key messages. Somewhere in between is the face of the organization–the CEO, the Executive Director, the Head of School, etc. 

The positioning, reputation, and presence of this individual is significant given the responsibilities of fostering a culture of innovation, setting direction, steering the ship–among other things. There are many ways to showcase the thought leadership and expertise of a top executive. 


The organization’s blog and/or podcast.

Social media. Threads and X are easy and quick tools to post thought snippets. Additionally, any blogs, podcasts, articles, etc., should be linked to and promoted on social media. 

Earned media. This is a tough nut to crack, however, consider monitoring HARO for reactive pitch opportunities and research article submission opportunities in vertical (industry-specific) and general publications. 

Dedicated page on the website. Consider a video message. 

Guest blogs and podcasts. There are channels for virtually every industry.

Speaking opportunities at industry conferences, community events, and others can elevate the presence of the top executive. 

Constituent events. For schools, consider small group learning sessions and prospective family parlor meetings. For nonprofits, consider intimate donor stewardship events for varying giving levels. 

Are you going to be able to do everything at once? No

  • Determine what is “low-hanging fruit,” which might include existing content that can be repurposed and media outlets that rely on third-party content. 

  • Build an editorial calendar that outlines a reasonable cadence for content creation and outreach. 

  • Designate one accountability person to track actions and conversions. 

  • Evaluate once a quarter to make tweaks as needed. 

A strong, authentic brand (both organizational and personal) is built on trust, transparency, and a commitment to excellence, all of which the CEO, Executive Director, or Head of School can cultivate. By actively engaging with the community, promoting the school's mission and values, and inspiring action, this top leader plays a vital role in paving the way for success.


Knock knock. Who’s there? 2024!


The Push + Pull of Word of Mouth (WOM) Marketing